xThe aim of this simulation game is to develop your inter-cultural competence. In this game, you will be shown a series of videos of foreign students in the Netherlands, who will tell you about their encounters with the Dutch. After each video, you will be asked to indicate how you would feel, and what you would do, in this situation. Subsequently, you will be shown what the foreign student felt and did in this situation. Thus, you can compare your own perceptions and bevaviour to those of other individuals. Finally, you will be asked to indicate to what extend to think these differences are the result of differences in cultural background.
xNote that there are no right or wrong answers in this game.
xThe aim of this game is to improve your insights in individuals’ perceptions of social situations, and to reflect upon the role that cultural differences may play in these situations.
xGunter is a German student of ‘International Teacher Education for Primary Schools (ITEps)’ in Leeuwarden.
xIn this clip he will tell you about something that happened when he had just moved to Leeuwarden, and he his family went to a restaurant.
xIf you were in Gunter’s position, how would you feel, in this situation? Please indicate to what extend, you think, you would experience each of the following emotions: move the emotions.
Move each of the emotions vertically, to a position, high or low, in the grey area.
xTo the right, you see how Gunter indicated that felt, and how you indicated that would feel in this situation.
xNote if you see any differences between
xHow would you react in this situation? Please indicate to what extend you would express these emotions in your behaviour, that is, in what you would say or what you would do.
Move each of the emotions, horizontally, to a position left or right in the grey area.
xTo the right, you see how Gunter indicated that he responded, and how you indicated that would respond in this situation.
Note if you see any difference between
xTo the right you see the differences in feelings and behaviour between you and Gunter, displayed in one figure.
xFinally, indicate to what extend you think these differences between you and Gunter reflect differences in cultural background (rather than, for example, differences in personality).
Click the lines to change their colour into: 'cultural difference, 'maybe or
'other than cultural difference.
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